No Really?
I think you just pushed the limits to mars so just make another flash before i lose my respect
No Really?
I think you just pushed the limits to mars so just make another flash before i lose my respect
Very Addictive but i think there are too many materials and tools to make to make a engine or whatever plus why would the motor need such things?
Sorry to Say but
Your HP is ten and that's pretty low besides the enemies do more damage than you so you're pretty screwed unless you're to sacrifise a banapple but really it's not that great by my opinion
Dude it's Epic
Although i think theres something thats on my neck thats bugging me but dunno what that's bad?
The Sticks Are God-like
Secret medal eh?
No jokes dude but i never thought you had enough flash knoledge to make these pro stuff and you did a wonderful job
The Pro has a flash that is like GOD
This is what happens
Leap: BOOM hit in duh head Pole Vault: Could have been a Jump Pole
Catapult: Buy a better one Ramp: Use a Normal car at least
Rocket: Only one man is capable of that Bridge: A Metal one is better
Cannon: Were you trying to die or cross? Teleporter: Teleport to hell more like it
Yup pretty much.
Even your earlier one was better
But still that does not mean this ones bad i'm just saying it's best reccomended for new newground users :)
Is this the game my friends had mentioned?
Dude this is way off the charts and it's flying high in the freaking sky and dude, your warfare knoledge is bigger then me after reading 32 warfare books that only told me about guns, tanks, vehicles, military, ranks and DON'T DO THIS AT HOME books. You are Wicked
To be honest it's all right
Age 22, Male
Joined on 9/12/11